Best for Impressing your ex
Best for Impressing your ex
Best for Impressing your ex
Greenwich Shirt White
Greenwich Shirt White
Greenwich Shirt White
🌷 Spring
🌷 Spring
🌷 Spring
☀️ Summer
☀️ Summer
☀️ Summer
🍂 Fall
🍂 Fall
🍂 Fall
⛄️ Winter
⛄️ Winter
⛄️ Winter
🌲 Natural Material
🌲 Natural Material
🌲 Natural Material
✨ Softness
✨ Softness
✨ Softness
🌟 4.8
🌟 4.8
🌟 4.8
💰 Price
💰 Price
💰 Price
🧵 Materials
🧵 Materials
🧵 Materials
100% Cotton
100% Cotton
100% Cotton
Not to sound weird but I would actually rub the sleeves of this shirt like I'm petting a dog since it feels so nice. In reality it just looks like I'm just caressing my arm weird.
Not to sound weird but I would actually rub the sleeves of this shirt like I'm petting a dog since it feels so nice. In reality it just looks like I'm just caressing my arm weird.
Not to sound weird but I would actually rub the sleeves of this shirt like I'm petting a dog since it feels so nice. In reality it just looks like I'm just caressing my arm weird.